Contribution to the Research Project


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1. After the pitch, I started off with finding resources online on Electrical Vehicles (EVs) demands and population in Singapore. 

2. As using solar panels to power the energy to charge an EV is not the typical practice in Singapore, my team and I decided to take examples from overseas to recommendation for trial in Singapore. 

3. With Go Green initiatives taken by Singapore, I started to focus on vision from Land Transport Authorities (LTA) to know what are the focus and aims for EVs in the next coming years. 

4. With Google and Google Scholars, I will choose related articles to be included in the report and share with my team mates.

5. I update my teams mates, and ensure tasks are distributed evenly using Telegram. I make sure tasks are handled and done before the deadlines.

6. I suggested some questions to be included in the survey. 

7. I have finalised contents to be included in the report in Content Page, and have written background, problem statement and purpose statement in the report. Have given feedback and suggestions to my team mates to assist them. 

8. I complied all references used in the report writing. 

9. I am in-charge of background, problem statement, purpose statement, and SolarEco system. 


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